HSR: 4 VBP Measures with Positive Impacts on a Medicaid Long-term Care Population

  1. Rates of flu vaccination among average-need clients: 1.60%
  2. Not experiencing uncontrolled pain among above-average-need clients: 0.69%
  3. Stable/improved pain intensity among heavy-need clients: 1.25%
  4. Stable/improved shortness of breath among light-need clients: 0.88%
Notes: Notes: From an article entitled, "Medicaid Long-term Care Workforce Training Intervention and Value-Based Payment Metrics," by Mei-Chia Fong PhD,David Russell PhD; Carlin Brickner DrPH; Oude Gao MHA; Sandi Vito MA; and Margaret McDonald MSW. This study examined the impact of a scaled implementation of workforce training intervention on value-based payment measures in a home-based Medicaid managed long-term care plan population in which 3,656 clients received services from the trained aides.

Source: Health Services Research, December 18, 2021 - https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1475-6773.13930